
Muggle's Happy Tail
Nov 24

Muggle's Happy Tail


Two years ago was when I first met Muggles at BARCS. I visited the shelter several times over the course of a few weeks just to look around, not entirely sure what our adoption criteria was. Each time, I kept coming by the cage of Muggles, a sad looking senior gal. At the time, I didn't think I wanted a senior pet; we already had two and thought we might want some younger energy in the house. But, I couldn't stop thinking about her waiting alone in her kennel at the shelter.
The final time I visited, she slowly walked up to the front of her kennel, leaned her whole body against the metal gates and looked up at me with her sad gray eyes. That was the moment I knew that she was supposed to be mine.
Muggles quickly became my best friend. She transformed from a rejected, mopey senior dog to a spunky puppy. When you walk through the door, she gets the "excited zoomies," sprinting around the room and barreling over our two other dogs, Dobby and Max. When it's 4 p.m. on the dot, she walks over to me making these grunting piglet-like noises, signaling to me that, "It's dinnertime and I'm hungry, mom!"
When she's not being a "piglet," crashing into furniture or wandering around the yard, having a stand-off with mother's chickens... Muggles is napping, an activity that she takes very seriously. She will sleep for hours on end, giving you a grumpy look if you disturb her 25th nap of the day. That look makes me laugh every time.
I believe dogs know when they've been saved. I'm so grateful for BARCS to have given Muggles a second chance in life. I don't know where she came from or what happened in her life before us, but our family has pledged to care for Muggles and love her 'above and beyond' for as many years as we are lucky to have her.
I support BARCS because they make a difference in not only this community, but in the world of animal rescue. I am so thankful to this organization for giving these animals a second, third, fourth, fifth chance in life. This Giving Tuesday, BARCS is dedicating all donations to the Love Lasts Forever program for senior pets. This program took care of Muggles while she was at the shelter and sponsored her adoption fee when it was time for me to take her home.
It saved her life, and I encourage you to donate to this worthy program to give more senior animals the 'Happily Ever After' that we've given Muggles.
Thank you and Happy Holidays,
Taylor Bolton and Family